Reading out loud abdul alhazred necronomicon
Reading out loud abdul alhazred necronomicon

reading out loud abdul alhazred necronomicon

Humanoid Abomination: As the God of a Thousand Forms, Nyarlathotep has a plethora of human-esque forms to choose from rather it is an elderly woman or Maya Lottie.Or at the least, he influenced the events. Historical Rap Sheet: Nyarlathotep is responsible not just for the events of the fanfic, but also slavery in Ancient Egypt genocides the World Wars, etc.Go Mad from the Revelation: Maya loves doing this to her victims by revealing the nature of the Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods to mankind aware that their little minds couldn't handle it.The Ghost: Azathoth never appears despite Maya/Nyarlathotep frequently referencing him as her actual father in a disgusting tone.

reading out loud abdul alhazred necronomicon

  • For the Evulz: While freeing the Outer Gods is Maya/Nyarlathotep's primary goal, she commits senseless acts of evil for no other reason than enjoying exerting her godlike powers on humanity.
  • Shub-Niggurath lacks human comprehension but reacts in anger at the slaughter of her Dark Young whereas Eihort can communicate with humanity - actively using humans as vessels for his brood - and expresses apathy towards their deaths.
  • Faux Affably Evil: When she first appears to Lana, Maya presents herself as empathetic to Lana's loss, but in reality, she deliberately caused it as part of her evil plan.
  • Also happens to Lana after she merely skimmed through the pages of the Necronomicon.
  • Driven to Madness: A librarian is driven insane by Nyarlathotep in the guise of an elderly woman and is found in the woods in a vegetative state.
  • Disney Death: Lincoln and the others narrowly escape getting erased from existence by Yog-Sothoth.
  • Reading out loud abdul alhazred necronomicon full#

    Later, he uses the full brunt of the Necronomicon to destroy Maya Lottie/Nyarlathotep. Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Patrick manages to use the Necronomicon to send Cthulhu away and inadvertently gets him killed by Shub-Niggurath.Grouse gets killed by the Brood of Eihort. If he won, Maya would have to call off the entry of the Outer Gods. Maya decides to give Lincoln the chance of rescuing his sisters from space-time.Even when they relent, Maya decides to toss the flask containing the two girls' souls into a rip in space-time anyway. Maya sucks Lola and Leni's souls from their bodies giving the family the ultimatum of either forfeiting the Necronomicon or they would never see their loved ones again.While Nyarlathotep had a child (most likely as a pawn to become reborn), Nyarlathotep as a being is no more. Deader Than Dead: Maya/Nyarlathotep gets all of her/his avatars destroyed by the Necronomicon getting reduced to basic atoms.This would lead to Lana reading the Necronomicon for its contents, which would drive her insane, climaxing in her inadvertently summoning the Outer Gods. The Chessmaster: Maya stages the death of Charles knowing that Lana would do anything to resurrect him.He uses it to nearly erase the Loud siblings from existence to continue the conquest of the gods. Cessation of Existence: Yog-Sothoth can remove any trace of a person from the timeline due to his power over space and time.Came Back Wrong: Charles is resurrected through the Necronomicon's unholy powers as an undead zombie.Besides Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth communicate with the human characters telepathically, the former making it clear that Nyarlathotep sending him to kill Lincoln and the others wasn't anything personal. Blue-and-Orange Morality: Shub-Niggurath and the brood of Eihort fall squarely under it as they are beyond human comprehension.Bigger Bad: The Outer Gods, especially Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth.Big Bad: Maya Lottie, otherwise known as the Crawling Chaos Nyarlathotep.Nyarlathotep despises having his ego besmirched if he were referred to as weak or insignificant.Don't kill the Dark Young when Shub-Niggurath is around.

    Reading out loud abdul alhazred necronomicon